Commentary 5: On the Collusion of Jiang Zemin and the Chinese Communist Party to Persecute Falun Gong


Ms. Zhang Fuzhen, about 38 years old, was an employee of Xianhe Park, Pingdu City, Shandong Province. She went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong in November 2000 and was later abducted by the authorities. According to people with knowledge of the case, the police tortured and humiliated Zhang, stripping her naked and shaving her head. They kept her tied to a bed with her four limbs stretched out, and she was forced to relieve herself on the bed. Later, the police gave her an injection of an unknown poisonous drug. After the injection, Zhang was in so much pain that she nearly went insane. She struggled in great pain on the bed until she died. The whole process was witnessed by the local officials of the 610 Office. [1] 

Ms. Yang Lirong, 34, was from Beimen Street, Dingzhou City, Baoding Prefecture, Hebei Province. Her family was often harassed and intimidated by the police because she practiced Falun Gong. On Feb. 8, 2002, after a nighttime police raid, Ms. Yang’s husband, a driver working for the Bureau of Standards and Meteorology, was traumatized and afraid of losing his job. He could not withstand the tremendous pressure the authorities exerted on him. Early the next morning, taking advantage of the time when their elderly parents had stepped out of the house, he strangled his wife. Yang Lirong died tragically, leaving behind a 10-year-old son. Soon after, her husband reported the incident to the authorities, and the police hurried to the scene to conduct an autopsy on Ms. Yang’s body, which was still warm. They removed many organs from her body while the organs were still radiating heat, and blood gushed out. A Dingzhou Public Security Bureau staff member said, 'This is no autopsy; it is vivisection!' [2]

In the Wanjia Forced Labor Camp in Heilongjiang Province, a woman who was about seven months pregnant was hung up from a beam. Both of her hands were tied with a coarse rope that was hung over a pulley attached to the beam. The stool that supported her was removed, and she was suspended in the air. The beam was 10 to 12 feet above the ground. The rope went through the pulley, and the prison guards held one end of the rope. When the guards pulled on the rope, she would be suspended in the air. As soon as the police let go of the rope, she would quickly fall to the ground. This pregnant woman suffered painful torture like this until she had a miscarriage. Even crueler was that her husband was forced to watch his wife endure the torture. [3]

These startling tragedies occurred in modern-day China. They happened to Falun Gong practitioners, and they are just a few of the countless cases of torture that have taken place over the past two decades of continuous persecution. [4]

Since China began economic reforms in the late 1970s, the Chinese Communist Party has endeavored to build a positive, liberal image for itself in the eyes of the international community. However, the continuous, long-term persecution, which has been bloody, irrational, widespread, vehement, and brutal, has enabled the international community to once again witness the true face of the CCP and the biggest disgrace on the CCP’s human rights record. The general public in China, under the delusion that the CCP has been improving and progressing, is used to blaming the low morality of the police for the atrocities committed by the Chinese legal system and law enforcement. However, the brutal, systematic persecution of Falun Gong is ubiquitous throughout every level of Chinese society and has burst any illusion of improved human rights.

Many people are now pondering how such a bloody and outrageous persecution could have happened in China. The social order was stabilized after the chaos of the Cultural Revolution. Why has China entered another cycle of nightmarish events? Why is Falun Gong, which upholds the principles of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance, and has spread to more than 60 countries worldwide, being persecuted in China? In this persecution, what is the relationship between Jiang Zemin and the CCP?

Jiang lacks both ability and moral integrity. Without a finely tuned machine of violence like the CCP, which is based on slaughter and lies, he would never have been capable of launching this genocide, a genocide that is widespread throughout China and even penetrates its borders. Similarly, the CCP would not have easily gone against the current of the historic trends and the environment created by the Party’s economic reforms and attempts to engage with the world, which were in full swing at the time. Only a stubborn, self-serving dictator like Jiang who was determined to have his way could have ordered such a reversal.

The collusion and resonance between Jiang and the evil specter of the CCP have amplified the atrocities of the persecution to an unprecedented level. It may be likened to how the clashes of a mountain-climber’s equipment resounding on accumulated snow can cause an avalanche.


Jiang Zemin was born in the restless year of 1926. Just as the CCP conceals its bloody history, Jiang, in front of the Party and the Chinese people, has also covered up his history of being a traitor to China.

When Jiang was 17, the worldwide anti-fascist war was in full swing. While patriotic youths went one after another to the frontlines to fight Japan and save China, Jiang chose to pursue higher education. In 1942, he attended the Central University in Nanjing established by the puppet regime of Wang Jingwei under the control of the Japanese. Investigations from various sources suggest the true reason was that Jiang’s biological father, Jiang Shijun, was once a high-ranking officer in the anti-China propaganda department of the Japanese army, after Japan occupied Jiangsu Province during its invasion of China. Jiang Shijun was truly a traitor to China.

In terms of betrayal and treachery, Jiang Zemin and the CCP are the same: They are so devoid of feelings and affection for the Chinese people that they recklessly dare to kill innocent people.

To infiltrate the CCP in order to raise his own wealth and rank after the Party won the civil war, Jiang fabricated the lie that he was adopted and raised by his uncle Jiang Shangqing, who had joined the CCP at an early age and was later shot dead by bandits.

Because of his fabricated family history, Jiang Zemin could be promoted from a low-ranking official to become deputy head of the Ministry of Electronics Industry in only a few years’ time. Jiang’s promotion was not granted based on his ability, but rather his personal connections and favors. In his tenure as the Party secretary of the city of Shanghai, Jiang spared no effort in currying favor with CCP magnates like Li Xiannian and Chen Yun, [5] who visited Shanghai every year for the Spring Festival. Even as the Party secretary of Shanghai, Jiang once stood and waited in the deep snow for several hours in order to personally deliver a birthday cake to Li.

The Tiananmen Square massacre [6] on June 4, 1989, was another turning point in Jiang’s life. He became the general secretary of the CCP through supporting the massacre, as well as suppressing a liberal newspaper, the World Economic Herald, and putting the leader of the People’s Congress, Wan Li, under house arrest. Even before the massacre took place, Jiang had delivered a secret letter to Deng Xiaoping requesting that “resolute measures” be taken against the students lest “the Party die and the country be vanquished.”

After he became paramount leader of the CCP, Jiang carried out wanton and often deadly suppression of all dissidents and groups who held independent beliefs, under the pretense of taking “stability as the overriding priority.” After Russia and China made surveys of their common border in 1991, Jiang has fully acknowledged Russia's territorial gains resulting from invasions by the czar and the Soviet Union, and completely accepted all the unequal treaties between Russia and China since the Treaty of Aigun. Chinese lands covering more than 1 million square kilometers have thus been permanently forfeited by him.

With Jiang’s fictional account of his personal history — pretending to be the orphan of a CCP martyr while in fact being the eldest son of a traitor — he personally followed the CCP’s example of deceit. With his support of the Tiananmen Square massacre and suppression of democratic movements and religious beliefs, he has personally adopted the CCP’s practice of killing.

Just as the CCP used to be under the Soviet Union’s command as a Far East branch of the Communist International, so Jiang now gave out land for free. He is well-versed in the CCP’s characteristic of betrayal

Jiang and the CCP share similar disgraceful origins and history. Because of this, both share an acute sense of insecurity regarding their power.


The history of the international communist movement was written with the blood of hundreds of millions of people. Nearly every communist country went through a process similar to the counter-revolutionary suppression by Joseph Stalin in the Soviet Union. Millions or even tens of millions of innocent people were slaughtered.

In the 1990s, the Soviet Union dissolved, and Eastern Europe went through drastic changes. The communist bloc lost more than half of its territory overnight. The CCP learned from this lesson and realized that stopping suppression and allowing the right to free speech would be equivalent to seeking its own doom. If people were allowed to express themselves freely, how could the CCP cover up its bloody atrocities? How could it justify its deceptive ideology? If suppression was stopped and people were free of threats and fears, wouldn’t they dare to choose a lifestyle and a belief other than communism? Then, how would the Communist Party maintain the social state essential to its survival?

The CCP remains essentially the same regardless of any surface changes it might have made. After the Tiananmen Square massacre, Jiang cried out to “eliminate any unstable factors in their embryonic stage.” Extremely afraid, he concluded that he would never give up lying to the public, and he would continue to suppress the people until they were completely immobilized.

During this period, Falun Gong was introduced in China. At first, Falun Gong was regarded by many as merely a type of qigong [7] with an especially powerful ability to keep people healthy and fit. Later, people gradually realized the essence of Falun Gong was not its five easy exercises. Instead, Falun Gong’s essence is to teach people to become better based upon the principles of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance.


Falun Gong promotes truthfulness, including telling the truth and doing truthful things. The CCP relies on lies to brainwash people. If everyone began telling the truth, the public would learn that the CCP grew by murdering, kidnapping, taking flight when convenient, selling opium, ingratiating itself with the Soviet Union, usurping the cause of fighting against the Japanese invasion, and so on. The CCP once claimed, “Nothing significant can be accomplished without lying.” After the CCP seized power, it initiated successive political movements and caused countless bloody debts. Promoting truthfulness would thus spell the end of the CCP.

Falun Gong promotes compassion, including considering others first and being kind to others in all circumstances. The CCP has always advocated “brutal struggle and merciless crackdown.” The CCP’s model hero, Lei Feng, once said, “We should treat our enemies mercilessly, being as cold as the severe winter.” Actually, the CCP treated not only its enemies like that; it has treated its own members no better. The founders of the Communist Party, the supreme commanders and marshals, and even a chairman of the country, were all mercilessly interrogated, brutally beaten, and miserably tortured by their own Party. The slaughter of the so-called “class enemies” was so brutal it could make one’s hair stand on end. If compassion were to become predominant in society, the mass movements based upon malice, as initiated by the Communist Party, would have never been able to take place. The Communist Manifesto states, “The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggle.” This represents the Communist Party’s concept of history and the world.

Falun Gong promotes searching inside oneself for one’s own shortcomings in the face of conflict. This introspective and self-restrained outlook is the complete opposite of the CCP’s philosophy of struggle and attack. Struggle is the primary means by which communist parties gain political power and survive. Communist parties periodically initiated political movements to suppress certain groups of people in order to recharge itself and revive its revolutionary fighting spirit. The process was repeated with violence and lies in order to strengthen and renew people’s fear, and thus maintain its power.

From the ideological point of view, the philosophy the Communist Party has relied on for its survival is completely opposite to what Falun Gong teaches.


People who understand the truth are fearless. Christianity was persecuted for nearly 300 years, during which numerous Christians were beheaded, burned to death, drowned, or even fed to lions, but the Christians did not give up their beliefs. Similarly, when Buddhism experienced various “tribulations of the Dharma” throughout history, Buddhists remained faithful.

Atheistic propaganda aims to make people believe there is no heaven or hell and no karmic retribution, so that people are no longer restrained by their conscience and instead focus on wealth and comfort in this world. The weaknesses in human nature can then be manipulated, and intimidation and temptation can be used to fully control people.

However, those with strong beliefs are able to withstand tests of life and death. The illusions of the secular world do not move them. They take the temptations of the earthly world and threats to their lives lightly, thus rendering the Communist Party feeble in any efforts to manipulate them.


Since the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989, the ideology of the CCP has gone completely morally bankrupt.

The collapse of the Soviet Communist Party in late 1991 was accompanied by massive changes throughout Eastern Europe. This put the CCP in a state of great fear and pressure. It faced unprecedented challenges to its political legitimacy and the survival of the regime as it encountered great crises both at home and abroad. At that time, the CCP was no longer able to unite its members with its original doctrines of Marxism, Leninism, and Maoism. Instead, it turned to total corruption in exchange for Party members’ loyalty. In other words, whoever followed the Party would be allowed personal benefits, gained through corruption and embezzlement, that were impossible for non-Party members to obtain.

Especially following Deng Xiaoping’s tour of southern China in 1992, [8] regime officials’ profiteering and corruption in real estate and the stock market have run wild. Mistresses and smuggling are everywhere. Pornography, gambling, and drugs have become rampant all over China. Although it may not be fair to say that there is not a single good person in the Communist Party, the general public long ago lost confidence in the Party’s anti-corruption efforts; it is generally assumed that more than half of middle- or high-ranking government officials are involved in corruption.

At the same time, the high moral standards demonstrated by Falun Gong practitioners resonated with the kindness left in the hearts of the public. More than one hundred million people had taken up Falun Gong. Falun Gong is a mirror of righteousness that by its very nature reveals all the unrighteousness of the CCP.


The unique way Falun Gong grew was by spreading person to person, heart to heart. Falun Gong has a loose management structure, and anyone can come and go freely, as one wishes. This differs greatly from the strict organization of the CCP. Despite this strict organization, which includes political study and group activities conducted weekly by CCP branches, it exists only in form. Few Party members actually agree with the Party ideology. By contrast, Falun Gong practitioners conscientiously follow the principles of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance.

Because of the powerful effect of Falun Gong in improving people’s mental and physical health, the number of people who practiced Falun Gong grew exponentially, starting in 1992. Practitioners voluntarily studied Mr. Li Hongzhi’s series of books and promoted Falun Gong at their own expense. In a short seven years, the number of Falun Gong practitioners grew from none to one hundred million. Every morning, the exercise music of Falun Gong could be heard in almost every park in China as practitioners gathered to do the exercises.

The Communist Party said that Falun Gong competes with the CCP for the masses, and that it is a religion. In fact, Falun Gong brings to people a culture and a way of life. It is an ancestral culture and the root of Chinese traditions, which the Chinese people had lost long ago. Jiang and the Communist Party feared Falun Gong because once this traditional morality was accepted by the public, nothing could prevent it from spreading rapidly.

The Communist Party has forcibly proscribed and tampered with Chinese traditional beliefs for decades. A return to tradition is history’s choice, the path of return chosen by the vast majority of people following the tribulations and misery visited upon them by the CCP. If given such a choice, people would certainly distinguish between right and wrong and would likely leave wickedness behind. This would certainly be a fundamental denial and abandonment of what the Communist Party has promoted. It would strike at the mortal weakness of the CCP. One can imagine the deep fear and jealousy of the CCP when the number of people who practiced Falun Gong exceeded the number of Communist Party members.

In China, the CCP exerts total control over every part of society. In the countryside, there are Communist Party branches in every single village. In urban areas, branch offices of the CCP are found in every neighborhood administrative office. In the army, government, and enterprises, the Party branches reach to the very roots. Absolute monopoly and manipulation are essential measures that the CCP must take to maintain its regime. The Chinese constitution euphemistically terms this phenomenon as “persisting in the leadership of the Party.”

Falun Gong practitioners, on the other hand, would prefer to take truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance as their principles. The CCP saw this as nothing short of denying the leadership of the Party, something it found absolutely unacceptable.


A true theistic belief is bound to be a significant challenge to the Communist Party.

Because the legitimacy of communist rule is based on dialectical materialism and the wish to build a heaven on earth, it could only rely on the leadership of an earthly vanguard — namely, the Communist Party. Meanwhile, the practice of atheism enabled the Communist Party to interpret freely what is virtuous and what is good or bad. The result has been a virtual lack of morality and distinction between good and bad. All that people have to remember is that the Party is always “great, glorious, and correct.”

Theism gives people an unchanging standard of good and bad. Falun Gong practitioners evaluate right or wrong based on truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance. This obviously hinders the CCP’s perpetual efforts to “unify” people’s thinking.

Continuing with this analysis, there are still many other reasons why the CCP persecutes Falun Gong. However, any one of the above five reasons involves a fatal weakness of the CCP.

Actually, Jiang suppressed Falun Gong for the same reasons. Jiang started his career by lying about his past, so of course he is afraid of the truth. He became successful and powerful through suppressing people, so of course he dislikes compassion. He maintained his power through political struggles inside the Party, so of course he dislikes tolerance.

From a small incident that took place three years into Jiang’s rule, one can tell how extremely petty and jealous he is. The Museum of Hemudu Cultural Ruins [9] in Yuyao County (now reclassified as a city), Zhejiang Province, is a major historical and cultural site under state conservation. Originally, it was Qiao Shi [10] who wrote the signature inscription for the museum. When Jiang visited the museum in September 1992 and saw Qiao’s inscription, his face turned dark and gloomy. The accompanying personnel were very nervous, as they knew that Jiang could not stand Qiao and that Jiang liked to show off so much that he would write an inscription wherever he went, even when he went to visit the traffic police division of the Public Security Bureau in Jinan City and the Retired Engineers Association of Zhengzhou city. The museum staff dared not slight the petty Jiang. Consequently, in May 1993, under the excuse of renovation, the museum replaced Qiao’s inscription with one of Jiang’s before the reopening.

Mao Zedong is said to have “four volumes of profound and powerful writing,” whereas the “Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping” includes his cat axiom, [11] which has an air of practical wisdom. Jiang racked his brains but could only come up with three sentences and claimed to have come up with the doctrine of the Three Represents. [12] It was published into a book and promoted by the CCP through level after level of government organizations, yet it only sold because people were forced to buy it.

Party members still didn’t respect Jiang, even a little. They spread gossip about his affair with a singer and his embarrassing episodes of singing “O Sole Mio” when he traveled abroad and combing his hair in front of the King of Spain.

When the founder of Falun Gong, Mr. Li Hongzhi, who was born an ordinary Chinese, gave a lecture, the lecture hall would be filled with professors, experts, and Chinese students who had studied abroad. Many people with master’s degrees or doctorates flew thousands of miles to listen to his lectures. When Mr. Li lectured onstage for several hours, he did so eloquently and without using any notes. Afterward, the lecture could be transcribed on paper and made into a book to be published.

All these things were unbearable to Jiang, who is vain, jealous, and petty.

Jiang lives an extremely lavish, lustful, and corrupt life. He once spent 900 million yuan (over $110 million) to buy a luxurious private jet. Jiang often drew money in the tens of billions from public funds for his son to do business. He used nepotism to promote his relatives and minions to high-ranking posts above the ministerial level, and he resorted to desperate and extreme measures in covering up for his cronies’ corruption and crimes. For all these reasons, Jiang is afraid of Falun Gong’s moral authority and even more afraid that heaven and hell, and the principle that good and evil are rewarded accordingly, as addressed by Falun Gong, are indeed real.

Although Jiang held in his hands the greatest power in the CCP, he lacked political achievement and talent, and so he often worried that he would be forced out of power amid the CCP’s ruthless power struggles. He is very sensitive about his status as the core of power. In order to eliminate dissension, he plotted underhanded schemes to get rid of his political enemies Yang Shangkun and Yang’s brother Yang Baibing. At the Fifteenth National Congress of the Communist Party in 1997 and the Sixteenth National Congress in 2002, Jiang forced his opponents to leave their posts. He, on the other hand, ignored the relevant regulations and clung dearly to his posts.

In 1989, as the new general secretary of the CCP, Jiang held a press conference for both domestic and foreign reporters. A French reporter asked about the story of a female college student who, because of her involvement in the June 4 student movement in Tiananmen Square, was transferred to a farm in Sichuan Province to carry bricks from one place to another and was raped repeatedly by the local peasants. Jiang replied: “I don’t know if what you said is true or not, but that woman is a violent rioter. If it is true, she deserved it.” During the Cultural Revolution, Zhang Zhixin [13] was subjected to gang rape. When she was detained in prison, her trachea was cut so that she could not shout out the truth at her execution. Jiang would probably also think that she deserved it. We can easily see Jiang’s unscrupulous and deviant mentality and cruelty.

In summary, Jiang’s hunger for dictatorial power, his cruelty, and his fear of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance are the causes for his irrationally launching the campaign to suppress Falun Gong. This is, in turn, highly consistent with the way the CCP operates.


Jiang is known for showing off and employing political trickery. His incompetence and ignorance are well known. Although he wholeheartedly intended to exterminate Falun Gong out of personal spite, he was incapable of doing much, as Falun Gong is rooted in traditional Chinese culture and has become so popular as to gain a broad social base.

The mechanisms of tyranny employed by the CCP, perfected through numerous movements, were in full operation, and the CCP intended to uproot Falun Gong. Jiang thus took advantage of his position as the general secretary of the CCP and personally launched the persecution of Falun Gong. The effect of collusion and resonance between Jiang and the CCP was like an avalanche caused by a mountain climber.

Before Jiang officially issued orders for the persecution of Falun Gong, the CCP had already begun suppressing, monitoring, and investigating Falun Gong. It also began fabricating incidents to be used for framing accusations against Falun Gong. The evil specter of the CCP instinctively felt threatened by truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance, not to mention by the unprecedented rapid growth of the practice. Undercover public security personnel in the CCP infiltrated Falun Gong as early as 1994, but they failed to discover any faults, and some even began to practice Falun Gong in earnest.

In 1996, Guangming Daily violated the Three Restrictions [14] by publishing an article denouncing Falun Gong’s tenets. After that, politicians with a background in public security or with the title of “scientist” continually harassed Falun Gong. At the beginning of 1997, Luo Gan, secretary of the Political and Judiciary Committee of the Central Committee of CCP, took advantage of his power and ordered the Public Security Bureau to carry out a nationwide investigation of Falun Gong for the purpose of finding charges to justify a ban on the practice. After it was reported from around the country that no evidence had been found, Luo issued a circular — No. 555, “Notification Regarding Starting an Investigation of Falun Gong” — through the First Bureau of the Public Security Ministry (also called the Political Security Bureau). He first charged Falun Gong with being an “evil cult” and then ordered police departments across the country to investigate Falun Gong systematically, using undercover personnel to collect evidence. The investigation found no evidence to support his accusation.

Before the CCP, the embodiment of an evil specter, could begin to crack down on Falun Gong, it needed the right person to initiate the mechanisms for suppression. How the head of the CCP handled the issue was crucial. As an individual, the CCP’s head could possess both goodness and evil — two opposite aspects of human nature. If he chose to follow his good side, then he could temporarily restrain an eruption of the vile Party nature; otherwise, the evil nature of the CCP would manifest fully.

During the pro-democracy student movement in 1989, Zhao Ziyang, then general secretary of the CCP Central Committee, had no intention of suppressing the students. It was the eight party elders controlling the CCP who insisted on it. Deng Xiaoping said at that time, “[We would] kill two hundred thousand people in exchange for twenty years of stability.” The so-called “twenty years of stability” actually meant twenty years of rule by the CCP. This idea conformed to the CCP’s fundamental goal of being a dictatorship, so it was accepted by the CCP.

Regarding the Falun Gong issue, Jiang was the only one out of the seven members of the Politburo Standing Committee of the CCP Central Committee who insisted on the suppression. The excuse Jiang provided was that it was related to “the survival of the Party and the country.” This touched the most sensitive nerve of the CCP and provoked the CCP’s tendency toward struggle. Jiang’s attempt to maintain his personal power and the CCP’s attempt to maintain its dictatorship by a single party were highly unified on this point.

On the evening of July 19, 1999, Jiang chaired a conference of the CCP’s highest-ranking officials. He overrode the law with his political power, personally “unified” the understanding of all members present, and personally decided to launch a massive campaign against Falun Gong. He banned Falun Gong in the name of the Chinese regime and deceived the public. The CCP, China’s state organization, and the violent mechanisms employed by the CCP were used to their full extent in an overwhelming persecution of millions of innocent Falun Gong practitioners.

If the general secretary of the CCP at that time had been someone other than Jiang, the persecution of Falun Gong would not have taken place. In that respect, we can say that the CCP used Jiang. On the other hand, if the CCP had not incurred so many bloody debts with its unscrupulous, immoral, and savage nature, it would not have considered Falun Gong to be a threat.

Without the CCP’s complete and pervasive control over every part of society, Jiang’s intention to suppress Falun Gong would not have gained organization, financing, and propaganda; nor the support of diplomats, personnel, and equipment; nor the support of prisons, police, the National Security Department, and army; nor the so-called “support” from the circles of religion, science and technology, democratic parties, workers’ unions, Youth Corps Committees, Women’s Associations, and so on.

In this respect, we can say that Jiang used the CCP.


By taking advantage of the CCP’s organizational principle that requires the entire membership of the Party to be subordinate to the Central Committee, Jiang exploited the vast state machinery controlled by the CCP to serve the objective of persecuting Falun Gong. The CCP-controlled apparatus includes the army, the media, public security personnel, the police, paramilitary police, state security forces, judicial system, the National People’s Congress, and diplomatic personnel, as well as sham religious groups.

The army and paramilitary police, all of which are controlled by the CCP, have directly taken part in the abduction and arrest of Falun Gong practitioners. The news media in China have assisted Jiang’s regime in spreading lies and smearing Falun Gong. The state security system has been exploited by Jiang personally in gathering and submitting information, fabricating lies, and falsifying intelligence. The National People’s Congress and the judicial system have put on the “legal” appearance and the garb of “rule of law” to justify crimes committed by Jiang and the CCP, effectively deceiving people from all walks of life. They have turned themselves into an instrument for the service and protection of Jiang. At the same time, the diplomatic system has spread lies in the international community and enticed foreign governments, senior officials, and international media with political and economic incentives so that they will remain silent regarding the issue of the persecution.

During the Central Committee’s working conference in which the suppression of Falun Gong was ordered, Jiang claimed, “I just don’t believe that the CCP can’t beat Falun Gong.” In planning the strategy of the suppression, three policies were put in place regarding Falun Gong practitioners: “ruin their reputation, bankrupt them financially, and destroy them physically.” A campaign of persecution subsequently went into full operation.


The policy of “ruining [Falun Gong practitioners’] reputations” has been carried out by the media, which are under the absolute control of the CCP. Starting on July 22, 1999, the third day into the campaign of arresting Falun Gong practitioners across the country, the CCP-controlled news media launched a full-scale anti-Falun Gong propaganda blitz.

Take the Beijing-based China Central Television (CCTV) as an example. In the remaining months of 1999, CCTV broadcast programming that spread lies about Falun Gong for more than seven hours each day. Producers of these programs started by distorting and falsifying speeches by Mr. Li, the founder of the spiritual practice, then threw in fake cases of so-called suicide, murder, and death of practitioners due to their supposed refusal of medical treatment. They did everything they could to smear and frame Falun Gong and its founder. The most publicized case was removing the word “not” from a statement Mr. Li once said at a public event, that “the so-called earth explosion event does not exist.” The CCTV program turned this statement into “the earth explosion event does exist,” thereby claiming that Falun Gong spread doomsday theories.

Subterfuge was also employed in order to mislead the public. An example was transferring the offences of criminals to Falun Gong practitioners. A murder committed by the mentally deranged Fu Yibin in Beijing and a fatal poisoning by a beggar in Zhejiang Province were both blamed on Falun Gong.

The CCP then used the media to instigate hatred among the deceived public, justifying and seeking support for the unpopular, bloody persecution. More than two thousand newspapers, one thousand magazines, and hundreds of local TV and radio stations under the absolute control of the CCP became overloaded in their all-out smear campaign toward Falun Gong. These propaganda programs were further spread to every other country in the world via the official Xinhua News Agency, China News Services, Hong Kong China News Agency, and other CCP-controlled overseas media organizations. Based on incomplete statistics, within only six months, more than three hundred thousand news articles and programs smearing and targeting Falun Gong were published or broadcast, deceiving and poisoning the minds of countless people.

At overseas Chinese embassies and consulates, a large number of albums, CDs, and publications criticizing and pretending to “expose” Falun Gong were displayed. Special columns were set up on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ website to criticize and “expose” Falun Gong. In addition, at the end of 1999 during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit held in New Zealand, Jiang completely dispensed with any pretence and handed out a pamphlet defaming Falun Gong to every head of state attending the conference. In France, Jiang, in violation of the Chinese constitution, labeled Falun Gong an “evil cult” in front of foreign media in order to ruin the reputation of Falun Gong practitioners.

The black cloud of oppression choking China signaled that something as drastic as the Cultural Revolution was about to begin.

The most despicable incident to frame Falun Gong was the so-called self-immolation staged in January 2001, which was reported worldwide at unprecedented speed via Xinhua News Agency. The incident has since been criticized by numerous international organizations, including the International Education and Development Agency at the United Nations in Geneva, as a regime-staged action meant to deceive the world’s people. During questioning, a member of the TV crew that filmed the incident admitted that some of the footage shown on CCTV was in fact shot afterward. The unscrupulous nature of the oppressors is obvious. One can’t help but wonder how these supposed “Falun Gong disciples facing death unflinchingly” (referring to the “self-immolators”) could be so cooperative with the CCP authorities as to let them shoot the footage of their self-immolation twice.

No lies can survive the light of day. While spinning out rumors and fabricating lies, the CCP also has done everything in its power to block the flow of information. It has relentlessly suppressed any overseas reports on Falun Gong activities as well as any reasonable defense by Falun Gong practitioners. All Falun Gong books and other documents have been destroyed without exception. Extreme measures have been taken to guard against any foreign media attempts to interview Falun Gong practitioners in China, including expelling foreign journalists, pressuring foreign news media, or threatening to ban them.

As for the Falun Gong practitioners in China who have tried to transmit overseas the facts about Falun Gong and materials documenting inhumane persecution by the authorities, the CCP has also adopted extreme and brutal measures in suppressing them. Li Yanhua, a 60-year-old woman from Dashiqiao City, Liaoning Province, was kidnapped by the police on on February 1, 2001, while handing out materials with information about the persecution of Falun Gong. She was beaten to death. To cover up their crimes, the police said that she died from being “entranced by Falun Gong.” At Tsinghua University, over a dozen teachers and students were given long prison terms for handing out materials on Falun Gong. After exposing the facts about the rape suffered in detention by Wei Xingyan, a Falun Gong practitioner and graduate student at Chongqing University, seven Falun Gong practitioners in Chongqing were charged and given long prison terms.


The entire state apparatus of the CCP has carried out a policy of “bankrupting [Falun Gong practitioners] financially.” In the first 5-plus years after the start of the persecution in 1999, hundreds of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners were fined amounts ranging from thousands to tens of thousands of yuan, in an effort to intimidate them and cause them severe financial losses. With no justification whatsoever, local governments, work units, police stations, and public security departments arbitrarily imposed these fines and continue to do so to this day. Those who are forced to pay the fines are not issued any receipts or referred to any articles of law for explanation. There is no due process.

Ransacking homes is another form of robbery and intimidation inflicted on Falun Gong practitioners. Those who have held firm in their belief have had to face unwarranted searches, with the police ransacking their residences at any time. Their cash and other valuables have been confiscated without justification. In the countryside, even stored grain and other food products have not been spared. Likewise, none of the items taken away from Falun Gong practitioners have been documented nor any receipts ever issued. Usually those who confiscate practitioners’ property have kept it for themselves.

At the same time, Falun Gong practitioners have faced the penalty of being laid off from their jobs. In the countryside, the authorities have threatened to confiscate practitioners’ land. The CCP has not even spared the elderly, whose pension plans have been terminated and homes seized by the government. Some Falun Dafa practitioners in business have had their properties confiscated and bank accounts frozen.

In carrying out these policies, the CCP also took the approach of guilt by association. That is, if there were Falun Gong practitioners found in any particular work unit or state enterprise, the leaders and the employees of these units would not receive bonuses, nor would they get promoted. The goal is to instigate hatred toward Falun Gong practitioners in society. Family members and relatives of Falun Gong practitioners also have faced the threat of being dismissed from work, of having their children expelled from school, and of being evicted from their residences. All these measures serve the same purpose: to cut off all possible sources of income for Falun Gong practitioners in order to force them to give up their beliefs.


The gruesome policy of “destroying [Falun Gong practitioners] physically” has been primarily carried out by the police, procuratorate, [15] and the court system in China. Based on statistics gathered by the website, as of December 19, 2004, at least 1,143 Falun Gong practitioners had died from persecution in the previous five years. The deaths have occurred in more than 30 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities and under the direct leadership of the central government. By October 1, 2004, the province recording the highest number of deaths was Heilongjiang, followed by Jilin, Liaoning, Hebei, Shandong, Sichuan, and Hubei. The youngest person killed was only 10 months old; the oldest was 82 years old. Nearly 39 percent of those killed were over 50 years of age; 51.3 percent were women. CCP officials have admitted privately that the actual number of Falun Gong practitioners who have died from the persecution is much higher.

The brutal torture methods used on Falun Gong practitioners are many and varied. Beating; whipping; administering electric shocks; exposing them to freezing temperatures; tying them with ropes, handcuffing them, or shackling them for extended periods; burning them with open flame, lit cigarettes, or hot irons; hanging them up by cuffs; forcing them to stand or kneel for extended periods; jabbing them with bamboo sticks or metal wires; and encouraging their sexual abuse and rape are just a handful of examples. In October 2000, guards at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp in Liaoning Province stripped the clothes off eighteen female Falun Gong practitioners and threw them into the prison cells for male inmates to rape and abuse at will. The crimes are too many to list.

Another common form of inhumane torture is the abusive use of “psychiatric treatment.” Normal, rational, and healthy Falun Gong practitioners have been unlawfully locked up in psychiatric facilities and injected with unknown drugs capable of destroying a person’s central nervous system. As a result, some practitioners have suffered partial or complete paralysis. Some have lost sight in both eyes or hearing in both ears. Some have sustained severe injuries to their muscles or internal organs. Some have lost part or all of their memory and become mentally retarded. Some have suffered complete mental collapse. Some even died shortly after being injected with the drugs.

Statistics as of 2004 indicated that cases of Falun Gong practitioners being persecuted with “psychiatric treatment” had spread to twenty-three out of thirty-three provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities, under the direct leadership of the central authorities in China. At least one hundred psychiatric facilities at the provincial, city, county, or district level had engaged in the persecution.

Based on the number and distribution of these cases, it is clear that the abuse of Falun Gong practitioners with psychiatric drugs was a well-planned, systematically carried out, top-down policy. By 2004, at least one thousand mentally healthy Falun Gong practitioners had been sent to psychiatric facilities or drug rehabilitation centers against their will. Many of them were forcibly injected or force-fed numerous drugs. These practitioners were also bound with ropes and tortured with electric shocks. At least fifteen of them died from abuse.


On June 7, 1999, Jiang slandered Falun Gong without any basis at a Politburo meeting of the CCP. He classified the issue of Falun Gong as a “class struggle,” labeled Falun Gong practitioners as the CCP’s political enemy, provoked the CCP’s reflex for struggle, and passed orders to set up an “office for dealing with the Falun Gong issue” in the Central Committee.

Since this office was established on June 10, it was called the “610 Office.” After that, branches of the agency were set up across the country at all levels of government, from the highest to the lowest, to be specifically in charge of all affairs relating to the suppression of Falun Gong. The Political and Judiciary Committee, the media, public security organizations, the procuratorate, people’s courts, and national security organizations subordinate to the leadership of the CCP Committee all served as the thugs and hitmen for the 610 Office.

While the agency technically reports to the State Council, in reality it is a Party organization that is allowed to exist outside of the established framework of the state and the Chinese government — free from any legal restriction, regulation, or national policies. It is an all-powerful organization very similar to Nazi Germany’s Gestapo, with powers far beyond those of the legal and judiciary systems, allowing it to employ the resources of the country as it sees fit.

On July 22, 1999, after Jiang issued the order to suppress Falun Gong, the Xinhua News Agency released speeches given by officials in charge of the CCP Central Organizational Ministry and the CCP Central Propaganda Ministry showing their open support of the persecution of Falun Gong. All of these entities cooperated under the CCP’s strict organization to carry out Jiang’s vicious scheme.

The many cases that have occurred since have proven that neither the public security departments, nor the procuratorate, nor the people’s courts have the power to make their own decisions on cases related to Falun Gong — they have to take orders from the 610 Office. When the family members of many Falun Gong practitioners who were arrested, detained, and tortured to death inquired and filed complaints with various departments and courts, they were told that all decisions would be made by the 610 Office.

However, the existence of the 610 Office itself has no legal basis. Additionally, when it issues orders to organizations within the system of the CCP, usually it gives oral, not written, commands. Moreover, it stipulates that all those who receive the orders are forbidden from recording it via audio or video, or even written notes.

Using this type of temporary arm of the dictatorship is a tactic the Party has often repeated, without any regard for the law. During all previous political purge movements, the Party always set up irregular temporary organizations, such as the Central Cultural Revolution Group, to lead and spread the Chinese Communist Party’s tyranny to the whole country. During its long-term reign of tyranny and heavy-handed rule, the Party has created the strongest and most evil system of state terror, with violence, lies, and the blocking of information. While the CCP’s degree of inhumanity is extreme, its practice of deceit is highly sophisticated. The scale and extent of this evil system are unprecedented.

In all previous political movements, the Party was accumulating systematic and effective methods and experiences in punishing, harming, and killing people in the cruelest, craftiest, and most duplicitous ways imaginable. In one case mentioned earlier, a husband could not stand the threats and harassment of the police, and so he killed his kind-hearted wife. This is the evil fruit of the CCP’s state terror, including deceit by the media, political pressure, guilt by association, and intimidation, which aims to warp human nature and instigate hatred.


The Party controls all state military forces, which allows it to do as it wants, without fear, when it suppresses people. In the suppression of Falun Gong, Jiang not only employed the police and the paramilitary police, but also directly employed armed military forces in July and August 1999, when hundreds of thousands — possibly even millions — of common people from all over the country intended to go to Beijing to peacefully appeal for Falun Gong.

Soldiers were assigned to places inside the city of Beijing. All main thoroughfares to Beijing were lined with soldiers carrying loaded guns. They cooperated with police to intercept and arrest Falun Gong practitioners who went to appeal. Jiang’s direct allocation of the CCP’s armed forces paved the way for the bloody persecution.

The Party controls the state's finances, which provide backing for Jiang to persecute Falun Gong. A high-ranking officer of the Justice Department of Liaoning Province once said in a conference at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp, “The financial resources used to deal with Falun Gong have exceeded the outlay for a war.” It is not clear yet how much of the state’s economic resources and the people’s earnings through sweat and toil has been used by the CCP to persecute Falun Gong. However, it is not hard to see that it must be an enormous figure.

In 2001, information from inside the Party’s Public Security Department showed that, at Tiananmen Square alone, the expense of arresting Falun Gong practitioners was 1.7 million to 2.5 million yuan per day, which amounts to 620 million to 910 million yuan per year.

In the whole country — from cities to remote rural areas, from police stations and public security departments to all branches of the 610 Office — Jiang has employed at least a few million people to persecute Falun Gong. The cost in wages alone may exceed one hundred billion yuan per year. Moreover, Jiang spent huge amounts to expand forced labor camps to detain Falun Gong practitioners and build brainwashing centers and bases. For example, in December 2001, Jiang expended 4.2 billion yuan to build brainwashing centers and bases used for “transforming” Falun Gong practitioners. Jiang also used monetary incentives to stimulate and encourage greater numbers of people to participate in persecuting Falun Gong. In many areas, the prize for arresting a practitioner was several thousand or even ten thousand yuan.

The Masanjia Forced Labor Camp is one of the most evil places used in the persecution of Falun Gong. The Party once awarded the camp director 50,000 yuan and the deputy director 30,000 yuan.

Jiang is not only the person who launched the persecution of Falun Gong, but also the person who plotted and directed it, using the mechanisms of the CCP. He bears inescapable responsibility for this historic crime. However, if there were no CCP with its mechanism of violence formed through many political movements, Jiang would have had no way to launch and carry out the evil persecution.

Jiang and the Party make use of each other. They risk everyone’s condemnation to oppose truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance, to serve the interests of a person and a party. Their collusion is the real reason why such a tragic and absurd crime was possible.


Motivated by his personal interests, Jiang utilized the inherent evil of the CCP to launch the immense persecution aimed at innocent people who follow truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance. He launched a punitive movement against a social force most beneficial and least harmful to the nation and society. This persecution not only drags the nation and people down into crime and disaster, but also defeats the Party at its very foundation. Jiang utilized the Party to employ relentlessly all manner of evil means all over the world to eradicate Falun Gong. Law, morality, and humanity all have suffered great harm, which has destroyed the regime’s legitimacy at the root.

Jiang’s regime employed all available financial, material, and human resources to persecute Falun Gong, which has caused an enormous burden for the nation and society, and huge pressure on the financial system. The Party has no way of sustaining the doomed persecution for an extended period of time. It can only use ordinary people’s savings, issue national bonds, and entice foreign investment to keep the persecution going.

During the persecution, the Party and Jiang have devised all kinds of devious, brutal, and deceitful tactics, employing the Party’s entire repertoire of treachery and evildoing in order to persecute Falun Gong. The Party and Jiang employed every known propaganda tool to fabricate rumors, denigrate the practice, and make excuses for the suppression and persecution.

However, no lie can last forever. Once the lies are finally exposed, and when all the evil is revealed by the failure of the persecution and becomes known to all, their propaganda methods will no longer be able to deceive. The Party will lose its credibility and its hold on people’s hearts completely.

At the beginning of the suppression of Falun Gong in 1999, Jiang intended to eradicate Falun Gong in three months. However, the Party underestimated the power of Falun Gong and the power of tradition and belief.

Since ancient times, evil has never been able to eliminate the righteous. It cannot eradicate the kindness in people’s hearts. Decades years have passed. Falun Gong is still Falun Gong. Moreover, the practice has spread widely all over the world. Jiang and the Party have suffered a severe defeat in this battle between good and evil, and their devious, cruel, and evil nature has been fully exposed. The notorious Jiang is now beset with troubles both at home and abroad and is facing many lawsuits and appeals seeking to bring him to justice.

The Party originally intended to make use of the suppression to consolidate its tyranny. However, the result is that it was not able to recharge but rather exhausted its own energy. Now the Party is too far gone for resuscitation. It is just like a rotten, withered tree — it will collapse by itself in a gust of wind. Any fantasy of salvaging the CCP goes against the tide of history. Holding on to that dream will not only be in vain, but also destroy the participants’ futures.


The former general secretary of the CCP, Jiang Zemin, is the one who launched, plotted, and commanded the evil persecution. Jiang fully utilized the CCP’s power, position, disciplinary methods, and mechanisms for political movements to start this persecution against Falun Gong. He bears unavoidable responsibility for this historic crime. On the other hand, if there were no CCP, Jiang would have been unable to launch and conduct this evil persecution.

From the day it came into being, the CCP has turned against righteousness and goodness. With suppression as its tool of choice and persecution as its expertise, the CCP based its reign on strict mind control that follows a single, central party. By its very nature, the Party dreads truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance and regards Falun Gong as the enemy. Therefore, its suppression and persecution of Falun Gong were inevitable.

While attacking truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance, Jiang and the CCP allowed falsehood, evil, violence, poison, wickedness, and corruption to propagate. What followed was a widespread moral decline in the land of China, affecting everyone.

The collusion between the CCP and Jiang has tied their fates together. Falun Gong is now suing Jiang. The day Jiang is brought to justice, the fate of the CCP will be self-evident. Heavenly principles will not tolerate those who conduct inhumane persecution against a group of good people that follow truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance. The evil actions of Jiang and the CCP will also become a perpetual and profound lesson for humankind.


[1] From a July 23, 2004, report published by the English-language Minghui website.

[2] From a September 25, 2004, report published by Minghui.

[3] From a November 15, 2004, report published by Minghui, with an interview with Ms. Wang Yuzhi, who was tortured for more than one hundred days in the Wanjia Forced Labor Camp.

[4] The Chinese communist regime has continuously persecuted Falun Gong practitioners since 1999, and the brutality of the persecution has not let up to date.

[5] Li Xiannian (1902–1992) was a former president of the PRC and president of the People’s Political Consultative Conference. Chen Yun (1905–1995) was one of the most influential leaders of communist China. Chen was a Politburo Standing Committee member for decades and was chairman of the Central Advisory Committee from 1987 to 1992.

[6] On June 4, 1989, the People’s Liberation Army attacked unarmed students who held demonstrations for democracy in Tiananmen Square. The PLA killed hundreds — possibly thousands — in an event now known as the Tiananmen Square massacre.

[7] “Qigong” is a generic term in Chinese for energy exercises. There are many schools of qigong, most of which are rooted in traditional spiritual beliefs. Falun Gong is a form of qigong.

[8] In 1992, Deng Xiaoping came out of semi-retirement, toured Shenzhen in southern China near Hong Kong, and gave speeches to promote a socialist market economy in China. Deng’s tour is largely considered to have rekindled China’s economic reform after a lull beginning with the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989.

[9] The Hemudu Cultural Ruin is an important Chinese village site from the Neolithic Age. It was discovered in 1973 and is seven thousand years old.

[10] Qiao Shi (1924–2015) was chairman of the National People’s Congress from 1993 to 1998.

[11] Deng once said, “No matter whether the cat is black or white, if it catches mice it is a good cat.” By this Deng meant that the goal of economic reforms during his tenure was to bring prosperity to the people, regardless of whether they were socialist or capitalist in form.

[12] Jiang Zemin’s “Three Represents” claims that the Party must always represent the development trend of China’s advanced productive forces, the orientation of China’s advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people.

[13] Zhang Zhixin (1930–1975) was a female intellectual who was tortured to death by the CCP during the Cultural Revolution for being outspoken in telling the truth.

[14] The "Three Restrictions" was a state policy regarding qigong that held that the state would not advocate, intervene in, or condemn qigong activities.

[15] The procuratorate is the Chinese state organization responsible for prosecution and legal supervision. Its functions include deciding on arrest and prosecution in cases involving major crimes, conducting investigations, initiating and supporting public prosecutions, interpreting the law in specific applications, supervising court decisions, monitoring judicial procedures, and supervising the activities of prisons, detention centers, and labor camps.